秦川 ~ 二胡



Chuan Qin started learning Erhu at her age of 7. When she was 14 years old, she got the top certification of Erhu. In her middle school, she, presenting her school, won the first price of national “Middle School Student Art Festival”. As the chief Erhu player of College Students Art Group in the university, she participated hundreds of performances and competitions. In 2008, she won the first prize of national “College Student Art Festival.” She now performs for various Houston Chinese folk music functions.


秦川, 7岁开始学习二胡。 14岁获得二胡十级。 其间多次获得国家级奖项。 中学时,代表所在学校获得全国“中小学生艺术节”一等奖。 大学期间担任大学生艺术团首席二胡。 2008年获得全国“大学生艺术节”一等奖。