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MARCH 22 2014 CONCERT | ![]() |
"It was truly a East meets West event. The design of the program, lighting and PowerPoint presentation were so unique and uplifting. I know you worked diligently, and all your efforts are paid off in a big way, and the audience's response was overwhelming. The concert left me with beautiful memories....Thanks again!"
"You have shown how many possibilities eastern and western music can create... Thank you for bringing in this wonderful program to our community. I believe all the audience also enjoyed the show as much as I did."
"雪域布达拉宫的壮观,香巴拉的神秘,通过美国休市顿一群年轻的爵士乐音乐家用萨克斯,钢琴,鼓,大提琴,来表达中国民乐“ 青藏高原” 的旋律时,我被深深的感动和震撼。东方回声音乐会于2014年3月22日晚在美国休市顿浸信大学演奏厅举行首场演出,席无虚坐,晚会美仑美唤。东方的文化和乐器用西方的演奏和表演方法融合在一起,带给听众一场全新的世界。那是一种探索和创新,是一个美国出生的华裔对中国民乐的新注释和完美的表演。艺术无界,世界大同。她把音乐带给热爱和平自由民主的朋友们。用音乐让世界看到东方中国5000年的文化,回声的千结百绕,带着粗矿,纤美的忧伤和喜悦,而守候的是执著。期待东方回声能穿过千山万水,带着你的梦和追求,恒古不变, 广为流传。等待你的再次演出!"
"Congratulations to all the artists! What a wonderful show and presentation! I am wowed. Through the show, I can fully appreciate your trans-cultural insight and vision of diversity, which have made this successful endeavor of bridging the Chinese traditional music to the Western audiences."